Hey paisanos!
long time no see huh? what i've been doing during this time you might wonder... and well it's nothing more and nothing else that.... work on chapter 6! how is everything going? how much progress do we have? well my friend... we got the marvelous quantity of... 13/43 pages done... yeh as usual i'm p slow but i'm doing the best as i can asdnaskdn
Still i haven't done only that, i've been doing stuff in the meantime... i torn my tendon,,, nah it's joke, i've been kinda paranoid with that since i watched a tutorial of some stuff and when i checked comments it was like: "HAHA I TORN MY TENDON" and i was like oh fuck but after checking stuff and everything... i'm fine guys soooo everything is p good! (and of course i won't follow anything blindly again).
But well moving to important matters... i got a new job, probably i have less time to focus on my story but i'll try to work on it as much as i can, then i started to work on a webpage for my webcomic, tried neocities but... only thing i could do is letters and nothing else, tried to follow tutorials of HTML but all of them just yap about anything and doesn't explain anything at all, just provides resources without explaining how to use them sooo i searched alternatives like wix, it seems way easier sooo probably i'll stick with it (i'm sorry,,, i'm more of a visual learner,,, maybe i'll try html again but i don't promise anything akdskand).
And finally... i made a draw for the anniversary for Deep Sea Prisoner, man... 2 years already... just thinking how everything was on diapers anddd started to work on the concepts makes me drop some tears,,, it makes me so happy to see how everything evolved and i'm p sure the past Chuw would be amazed with the world building i made... but welp, enough of looking the past and let's keep moving to the future and more adventures with Clover and friends! (she'll survive? we don't know...) here's the illustration if y'all are lazy butts to see lmao
but ahh well... that's everything i gotta say, maybe 13 pages it's not enough but hey! soon it would be 20... then 30... and finally 43! soooo everything i gotta ask it's a little bit of patience, chapter would be ready when it's ready soooo bear with me as much as possible, this would be the best chapter of all i'll promise u that! and if u want to know more about Deep Sea Prisoner... then go read the chapters while chapter 6 is about to release!
And hey uh... if u want to support me in a different way i'll appreciate if u stop by my ko-fi and u want to support me with... idk 5? 15? whatever, i'll appreciate it a lot, either way thank u everyone for your support... although sometimes i don't know if i'm talking to the void but.. i want to hope that everyone gives me their support in their way, also thanking to my friends and specially my gf for being at my side, y'all are the best!
with nothing more to say... see you in the next chapter!