Your local friendly neighbour goofy ahh penguin and creator of Deep Sea Prisoner!! you can call me Chuw for short ;D

Age 24, Male


Shinespark Academy

Somewhere in Central Amer

Joined on 12/18/20

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Your typical 2023 Recap

Posted by Chuw-Croissantier - December 29th, 2023

Hey paisanos!!!

welcome back to another millenary post!!!

Sooo... what is this all about? well as the name says it's the typical 2023 recap, before mentioning the things i worked during this year i want to talk about it a little bit in general (and speaking a bit of 2022 (?)

[2022] Mental Health saga

For starters... i would like to talk about 2022 first, i made a post about it but didn't talked of the things that happened, during the beginning of that year i was in a difficult situation regarding to mental health, i was having like stupid thoughts and assimilating things that happened, soooo January 2022 was the process of desintoxicating myself, getting ride off toxic and harmful thoughts, wasn't easy thing bc i was like in a constant contradiction and uhh welp, it was kinda horrible but after some time i found new friends, they helped me to heal some wounds and realise that any of these harmful and toxic thoughts were stupid and give me enough motivation to give my first step and it was.. forgiveness with myself and try to be more open minded, wasn't an easy road but we got there!

and welp after some time of processing things and working on myself while uploading draws i joined the sketch collab 2022

I considered to enter to the danganronpa collab that was held in that moment but i said: "nah, let's be brave and let's try

with animation" and welp here we are, with a ton of friends and with 4 kids (mah beautiful kids).

And besides doing ocational interactions at that time... they helped me even more to deal with certain situations and helped me grow as a person sooooo Tato, Noth and Midge aaanndd many more (i want to mention everyone with their NG profile but for limitations i can't) thank you for being part of my life and hope we can still be together for a lot of years more!!

and p much after the sketch collab was released i started to work in my personal project and that personal project was... my story, Deep Sea Prisoner!!! it was still on beta, the only thing i focused was on designs rather than work in a proper script for chapter 1 if you want to see more dettails you can check this thread!! but yeah project was p much in diapers and world was p much empty sooo had to work with that.

[2023] The Odissey saga

So... 2022 ended and a new year has started, we started... meh, normal, nothing special happened, just me trying to join to new collabs and stuff, during the start of the year frog collab was being held at that moment, tried to enter and stuff but... failed miserably lmao, i was kinda disappointed but just decided to move on... until somehow i got there soooo W (as aditional animation but W lmao)

But welp that was after, before i just did this fanart of Cold man as the first draw of the year, kinda a cold start huh?

And welp, in the meantime i was still working on the first chapter of DSP, i was at snail rythm bc i was sketching 1 by 1 all the scenes i needed to draw, it wasn't until one of my friends said to me: "dude, just sketch the whole chapter instead of going 1 by 1" and lemme say... that help me a lot to speed up the process of sketch, dunno why i didn't thought of that before but now? i feel like a stupid for not doing it earlier lmao.

Still had to work on lineart but it was not a problem, after some 3 months of hard work, tears and blood... the very begining of this story came up

Besides of the art feeling outdated and stuff i'm still proud of what i achieved with this, for the very first time starting a super big project and people giving feedback to it.. it feels awesome and you can't imagine how excited i am for continuing this story!!

And after that i rested a little bit, Pico Cross collab was being held during Aprila and during that time said: "hmmmm AIGHT LET'S ENTER" everything while i was planning the next step for the story soooo kinda multitasking there, it wasn't a problem bc in some weeks chapter 2 was already out!!!

Almost at the same time with the Pico day draw and Pico Cross Collab lmao

And launching the 2nd draw of the day soooo it was a productive day in a way lmao

After a moved day of work... decided to start the production for chapter 3 and HOOOO BOI it was a wild ride, everything normal, writing the script for it, the sketch phase... everything normal until we reach that funny number... 38 -Thunder sounds-

at first i was like: "welp if i could release chapter 2 in a short amount of time what stops me to do the same thing with 3rd chapter?" ahh... how naive i was, welp i was in the slow realization that i made a way big ass chapter soooo in the meantime i decided to animate Miku eating a lemon... i-it's just that, Miku eating a lemon, w-what else you want?

And well did it bc

1 - i was in a goofy mode

2 - As an entry for the Miku collab

Yup, i think during august a Miku collab was being held and since i have a long history drawing vocaloid said: "LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and entered without thinking about it, was p fun tbh and if you want to see my artwork and a little bit more of dettails go ahead ;D

And well... after some time (still working on chapter 3 lmao) i was contacted by Wes, asking me if i wanted to participate on a reanimated project, at first i was a bit sceptical but after stalking a little bit his projects and stuff and seeing a lot of people i know... decided to accept and be part of the project (which i'm super glad currently to be part of it honestly) and welp, p much this is my entry, the entire collab it's not out yet but you should stay tuned for it ;D

One day you're animating Miku eating lemons and the other you're in a big ass animation project, surprises of life lmao

Finally... after a lot of hard work and some weird adventures out there.... finally.. the 3rd chapter comes out and with the first frontpage of my history on newgrounds

And the most impressive part of it... i got user of the day before this soooo October was a W month for me lmao soooo from the bottom of my heart... Thank you guys!!! thank you for all the support you gave me during these months!!! really appreciate the big achievement we made so far!! and well aside of that i just did some halloween draws sooo there's no much to say besides 2 important things lmao

Ohhh and another year another sketch, yup joined again to the sketch collab of this year sooo try to stay tuned with that too ;D

[Link of the sketch collab 2023... IF I HAD ONE!!!]

Anddd started the production of the 4th chapter of Deep Sea Prisoner, this time decided to work on lineart and color at the same time and uhhh welp it's kinda slow but we got a big result!! it was 4/30 at the start but now it's 15/30, we almost reaching that number!! i would work faster if... my tablet decides to cooperate, recently my tablet was being super annoying, it goes off and on constantly sometimes anndddd sometimes doesn't have pressure sooo yeah, kinda having a hard time drawing DSP :/

But hey!!! at least we have more progress than before sooo that's something, i might try search another tablet buutt for the moment i'll have to work with this and uhh... let's see what else?? OH YEAH!! i opened a Ko-fi account sooo if you want to support me in a way feel free to do it!!!

Annddd this year i entered to the secret santa of this year it was uhhh kinda weird but i had fun!! that's everything what counts tho lmao

And what else?? ohhh anddd i made my first online purchase on steam, i bought Hollow Knight, i always wanted to play that game sooooo now i'm enjoying it (best part... never saw anything of it sooo don't have a clue at all lmao)

Andd i think that's p much it, now that i see this recap wow... i really did a lot of stuff during this year, i improved my artistic style with time... entered to a lot of collabs... we've been active during this year and you know?? it was a p fun year!! we didn't have a great start but everything got better with time and gen i'm looking forward for 2024, i consider 2023 as a p good year but it could be a lot better soooo hoping for 2024!!

Happy new years eve guys and for another year full of productivity and cool stuf!!!




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