Ok so... i need help with a game, idk if it existed or it's just in my head, idk i just... want answers and stuff
So the thing is... i searched the game for a long time, but i couldn't find it anywhere, tried here, tried in another pages but nothing, you will say: "hey, search a game it's not hard, you just have to remember the name" that's the complicated part, i don't remember the game's name and i don't even remember the characters, i was like... 9 or 8 years old when i played that game sooo ya know, vague memories (?
But... not everything is losted, i remember a few things about this game, vague things, but i think it could be useful for everyone, so the first thing i remember... is the boss, he had the mytical angry face of newgrounds representing his healt bar, there was a limit time for beating this dude, like... we were on a drill going to the earth's core, we have to kill it or we could die for the lava, the character is the most problematic one, bc i remember that it was Pico, but it could be Hank too, one of these 2 was the main character of the game and i don't know if i should trust my memory, but... it's all i remember.
I drew a recreation of what i remember, idk it's even more useful than the description or just vague, the thing is... i tried (Some aclarations: i drew Pico and Hank together bc i couldn't decide who should be the protagonist sooo the most easy part is draw them together, just imagine that one of them is the protagonist and the 2nd.... that is not te real apearence of the boss, it's just an example tho plus i didn't remember his apearence lmao)
If someone has played the game but just remember vague things of it, share it with me, if you have names.. more details of the gameplay it could be useful for find this game, every little dettail it's apreciate it, and i would thank anyone who remember the name of the game, every little detail counts for me, sooo i would wait some answers patiently, all i want is... know if this game existed or not, or even if existed but was deleted by the creator, without nothing more to say... bye bye ;)