Tired of wanting to draw Sonic and struggling with it? tired of not know how to do his quills in all the angles? HERE'S THE SOLUTION MY FRIEND!! AN ATTEMPT OF TUTORIAL OF HOW TO DRAW SONIC!!! sooo with no more presentations let's move to the first point!
1 - Classic Sonic:

You know him well the classic era and stuff
Soooo many people struggle with many things, quills, hands, arms etc etc soooo what you need to do is... start with shapes, many people would tell you: "yu nid tu du this uvercumplicated thingengananangugah fur tha budi" and i say... FUCK THAT SHIT go simple! start with 2 circles, add the ears, his arms and feet, add the quills and voila!! you sketched your Sonic!! sometimes simpler is better and with Classic Sonic it's even better

Now... "what do i do with the quills?" you might wondering
First of all don't be so exact with them if you sketched it like the image above, try to adjust them in a way they look p good and decent, the large can be whatever you want large EXTRA LARGE even EXTRA THICC or just smol lmao, just make them however you feel like!
Something i recommend is... think in Classic Sonic like a rubberhouse character he doesn't look like one but have you seen his arms? they're like noodless!!

(Yeah i got lazy to finish this animation, maybe i'll update this someday who knows lmao)
Sooo don't even try to apply basic anatomy here... not with his noodles (furthermore... Sonic characters are even anatomically correct??? LOOK THIS SHIT)

And last but not so important, don't forget to add his cool and cute vibes, one of this things are important if you want to draw Classic Sonic! (Btw i know i said that you shouldn't apply basic anatomy in Sonic Characters but don't take that too literally, put some effort in the hands do ya?)
2 - Modern Sonic:

Now... Modern Sonic is entirely different principally bc he has so many differences for example, it's less spikey and have more curves, his body it's more like an oval than a sphere, it's taller and his eyes got a weird butt in the middle (?
If you compare Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic they are way too different in many aspects but yet it's still easy to understand and adapt to this design!
It's just like before, do 1 circle and an oval, add the ears, legs and arms and... TADDAHH!!! you got your Modern Sonic sketched!! (and don't forget to add his cool and rad vibes!)

Like you see, once you understand the basics you'll do amazing things with Sonic! (or... lewd stuff dunno weird people out there)
What's this? you said you messed up? WHO CARES!!! KEEP TRYING Nobody does perfect things at first try, keep pushing and pushing until get better results!
Just like one person said to me before... it doesn't matter if you messed up, you'll do better the next time, keep in mind that and you'll be able to reach your own satisfactory results! ;D
Welp guys... thank you for reading this! if you find this useful don't doubt to share it with more people, i'll be more than happy if this is useful for everyone!
PS: if you want the ref sheets at better quality here you have!!